Sign up for our queue must be done in person.For our international guests, we will give you a return time if you can’t receive texts. It looks scary but is typically no more than a 15-minute wait. After receiving your text, you will check in at the end of our return line. On weekends and holidays it can happen right at 10am. On weekdays the Virtual Queue can start anytime from open to evening or not at all, depending on crowds. This allows you to go anywhere while waiting for a return text. Once we open, when our line gets too long, we switch to a Virtual Queue.We open at 10 am, but our line typically begins to form at 9 am, when the parking garage opens.Here is some helpful information based on an average day to set an expectation and help you plan. This has caused our location at Disney Springs to operate more like a busy theme park ride than a bakery. Thanks to an amazingly supportive community, Gideon’s Bakehouse is a popular single-owner small business in Orlando that has gained international attention. Things to Know Before Visiting Gideon’s at Disney Springs! So what can you expect? We hope you come visit us and find out! We hope to have your support on this evolution of the Gideon’s experience. We’re proud to be a representative of the fantastic local food scene in Central Florida and look forward to chatting with visitors about our favorite parts of Orlando. This step is enormous, to say the least, but we’ve learned so much over the last few years, and we’re ready for this challenge. We did this purely on our own steam fueled by you, our local community.

We’re a small team with a single owner and no partners or investors. We’re happy to announce our second location is coming this year to Disney Springs® at Walt Disney World Resort. We’ve pushed through some unbelievable challenges to keep up with our growth and are now ready to take our next big step. The first Gideon’s Bakehouse storefront opened in October 2016 on a budget of $800 and a single employee.