Latest anaconda version
Latest anaconda version

Open your terminal and run the below commands to download and save Anaconda’s installer Bash script to your /tmp directory.Anaconda is an open-source package manager, environment manager, and distribution of the Python and R programming languages. At the time of writing, the latest version isġ. To install Anaconda, you’ll need to download the installer Bash script from the Anaconda website.

latest anaconda version

But first, you’ll have to install Anaconda on your machine. Whether you are new to data science or a seasoned professional, Anaconda is the perfect platform for your data analysis and modeling needs. Having 50GB of free space on your machine would suffice for working on data science.ĭownloading the Anaconda Installer Bash Script Working on data science requires a lot of disk space because you have to download and store data sets. The minimum disk space needed to install Anaconda is 5GB, but you’ll need more free space to perform serious data science work. If you’d like to follow along, be sure you have an Ubuntu Linux machine with at least 4 GB of RAM and 5 GB of free disk space. This tutorial will be a hands-on demonstration. Ready? Read on to learn how to get started with data science using Anaconda on Linux! Prerequisites And in this tutorial, you’ll go through the steps of installing Anaconda on Ubuntu Linux and some basic data manipulation and visualization tasks. Well, not unless you see how to install Anaconda and how to use it for data science.Īnaconda is a powerful data science platform and a great way to get started with data analysis, modeling, and visualization. One of the biggest obstacles is having the right tools and environment set up on your computer. But, getting started in data science can be difficult.

latest anaconda version

In the past five years, the data science industry has exploded, and jobs in data science are plentiful and pay well.

Latest anaconda version